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7 Days of creation

Based on the Bible story of the creation of the Earth and all that is in it, this Book will shine the light on our day to day lives drawing on the principles that the Lord placed in each day. It takes us through the week expressing the grace of the Lord that He extends to us.

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Satan’s Trap Against Giving; exposed!

Satan’s Trap Against Giving; Exposed! was inspired by the huge amount of vaguely presented teachings regarding these topics. After hearing a presentation about tithe and offering, many are the questions one is left with. The aim of this book is to displace the doubts that are left in our minds after hearing the topics taught.
The enemy, the Devil, uses ignorance as the most important piece in his arson. God on the other hand calls us to acquire knowledge to counter the wiles of the enemy.
Satan’s Trap Against Giving; Exposed! seeks to expose the pitfalls in a Christian’s walk of faith planted by the devil. God has blessed us with knowledge so we may not be ignorant of the devices of the devil.

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